My language Learning logs
The topic of the meeting
Creating a survey: sell an ad for a school publication.
Date & Time
June 17, 2022
From Introduction Journalism, pdf and paper group 5.
Vocabularies (words) learned
- Convince
- Determine
- Approvals
- Tabulated
- Average
Parts of speech
- Verb
- Verb
- Noun
- Verb
- Adj/noun
Synonyms & meaning in Indonesia
- Assure = memastikan
- Establish = membuktikan
- Consent = persetujuan
- Arrange = mengatur
- Mean = pertengahan
Use in Context
- You can’t convince others if you yourself aren’t convinced
- The investigation will determine what really happened.
- Her approval was of supreme importance
- Polls are great attention drivers especially when visitors can see the tabulate live.
- His IQ is above average.
My Learning strategies
Firstly, I seek materials related to the topic. Secondly, I read the material seriously. Then I try to absorb this material if I do not know the word, I will find the word in the dictionary and I learn the vocab and I also find the synonym, part of speech, and use it in context. Finally, I understand the material that is related to the topic, I know the new vocabulary and the important thing I know new knowledge that I did not know.
• According to Introduction to Journalism book (2010), author of " Student Activities Book” Douglas Lord Matthew. (Dianne Smith, MJE) (Introduction to Journalism by Dianne Smith)
(In this material I learned about journalism especially learn about creating a survey; sell an ad school publication because it’s important to use for to know how to create a survey and we also know how the way sell an ad publication so that can market target which is aimed and got more costumers).
Having read the paper that discusses creating the survey and how we can good sell an ad in a school publication. I now realize so many things that we must learn about the material. Most importantly, I have learned so many steps. I create a good survey before I begin to sell an ad school publication. I have significantly developed my skills in writing because I learn journalism a lot. However, I have not (sufficiently) improved my ability to critical thinking and ability to speak in front of many people. This means that I must be learning how to critique in thinking and practice speaking a lot. This skill will be essential to me as a learner (because it is an important ability at this time). Because I did not great at critical thinking and speaking, I will now need to reading many journals and listen to many communications and practice my English. As a next step, I need to develop my speaking English.
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