My language Learning logs
The Topic of The Meeting
Using Photograph: Caption Writing.
Date & Time
June 3rd, 2022
Introduction to Journalism. Pdf.
Vocabularies (words) learned
Parts of speech
Synonyms & meaning in Indonesia
Prevent = Menolak
Advantageous = Menguntungkan
Minuscule = Amat Kecil
Adviser = Penasihat
Twist = Memutar
Use in Context
Rani, avoid meeting him because he is a stranger.
Who wants to be desirable as a teacher, can see the smart students
He is very subtle.
Her mother is a counselor
Can distort evidence for their own purposes.
My Learning strategies:
Firstly, I can see this material related the topic, second after I see this material I read it seriously, I try to absorb this topic, if I don’t know the word, I will find out in the dictionary then I learn it. Finally, I got the material related to the topic. And now I have too much, vocabulary after I understand, then I realize this topic is important to us as a learner.
According to Introduction to Journalism book (2010), author of " Student Activities Book” Douglas Lord Matthew. (Dianne Smith, MJE) (Introduction to Journalism by Dianne Smith)
(In this material I learn all about journalism, especially the topic of using photographs: writing captions. After I read and got the point of this article, I know how to write a good caption and how to take a good photograph).
Having read the paper that is discussed using photographs: writing caption, I now realize so many important things that we must learn about this material. Most importantly, I have to learn how to create writing on the caption, and how to take good, photos in the photograph. After that, I also learn about several designs to create photo editors and so many rules in writing captions. I have significantly developed my skills in writing because I have to learn journalism a lot. However, I have not (sufficiently) improved my ability to make my critical thinking and practice my ability in speaking. This means that I must learn and read a lot of journals to add my knowledge and add the new vocabulary so that we can speaking front of many people. This skill is essential to me as a learner (because it is an important ability in this time). Because I can’t, make excellent critical thinking and speaking, that’s why I must learn and read so many, journals. And listen to many, conversations with a native speakers and improved my English. As a next step, I need to develop my speaking English so that be fluent.
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