Group 3-Journalism-News Interviews.


The Secret Of Success From Mr. Furqoni A lecturer Who Wasters 4 Languages


      Becoming a successful lecturer is not easy, nor is Mr. Ahmad Furqoni, an English lecturer who currently teaches at UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Serang Banten and the Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang. There are many obstacles that Mr. Ahmad Furqoni experienced when he taught. When teaching online/online, the obstacles experienced are usually about poor internet connection problems from the lecturers and students so that learning activities are hampered. To overcome this problem, usually, Mr. Furqon provides a backup Internet on his provider card if his wifi internet connection is interrupted, but if the problem is on his student's internet connections, he usually reexplains so that  students are clearer about what he is discussing. However, when teaching offline the problem is that there are some students whose basic skills in English are still lacking so students find it difficult to take these courses to overcome these problems Mr. furqon should be gave the students motivation in order to students continue to be diligent, enthusiastic and consistent in learning. Even though there are many obstacles he teaches, he continues to be enthusiastic in learning because his motivation to become a lecturer is to practice his knowledge so that he becomes a useful person for others and the knowledge he learns will not be easily forgotten, especially in foreign languages. He also enjoys meeting other people to get useful information and knowledge.

      Based on an interview we conducted on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 via Zoom, Mr. Ahmad Furqoni or who is usually called Mr. Furqon admitted that he had been teaching since the age of 18 where he studied at the junior high and high school levels, namely the Darul Qolam Islamic Boarding School, Jayanti, Tangeran-Banten which used to be in the district of Balaraja, at that time he taught Arabic. Then he continued his undergraduate education at IAIN Serang majoring in tarbiyah, English tarbiyah while continuing to teach Arabic at the Tsanawiyah and Aliyah levels at the Islamic boarding school and now he teaches at Muhammadiyah University Tangerang and UIN Sultan Hassanudin Serang, Banten.

        He currently teaches as a lecturer in the Intercultural Communication Language course because he is interested in culture and has a hobby of traveling. He also told that he had teaching experience in Tunisia for 1 semester or for 6 months and from that he knew more about Tunisian culture besides that he had also visited several countries other than Tunisia, namely Japan, Saudi Arabia and the Netherlands. He is also very fond of and interested in learning languages ​​and cultures.

         According to him the secret to success is to work hard, learn and be consistent. He gives advice to students, especially to us students majoring in English to focus on studying languages, especially English. After mastering English, it will be easy for us to deepen other European languages, especially languages ​​that are closely related to English such as German, Dutch, French and others. It is not only easy to master a language that is cognate with other languages ​​such as Arabic, we can learn it through the introduction of English, either through books or YouTube.

"To be successful we have to work hard, learn and be consistent with what we are currently doing" ~ Ahmad Furqoni.

Headline: The secret of Success From Mr. Ahmad Furqon A Lecturer Who Wasters 4 Languages 

Byline: Group 3 Journalism, Class 6A3


What: Becoming a successful lecturer is not easy

Who: Mr. Ahmad Furqon

Where: Zoom meeting

When: Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Why: He is interested in culture and has a hobby of traveling and is also very fond of and interested in learning languages and culture. 

How: The secret to success is to work hard, learn, be consistent and focus on studying languages, especially English.

Refrain: According to him the secret to success is to work hard, learn, and be consistent. "To be successful we have to work hard, learn and be consistent with what we are currently doing."
