My language Learning logs

  The topic of the meeting
  A matter of fact: the news values and elements

   Date & Time
   18th march 2022
   Ppt 1st Group (Introduction of journalism.pdf)
  Vocabularies (words) learned
  Part of speech 
 Synonym & meaning in Indonesia
 Fudamental = Mendasar
 Electrical device = perangkat listrik.
 Often = Sering
 Succinct = ringkas

  Use in Context
  I have used inherent compulsion
  He heard his secretary’s voice over the telephone intercoms.
  He frequently shies away from making.
  She must concise her decision.

  My Learning strategies 

Firstly, I seek materials related to the topic. Secondly, I have read the material, Then I try to understand and absorb the material after my friends, presented this material and explained it. Honestly, this material is a little bit so hard but I must often read this journal.

Finally, I can know many vocabularies after I read the journal and listen explained by my teacher and my friends.


(Your thoughts: What you learned)

Sample frames of summary/synopsis sentences guide

• According to Dianne Smith (2010), author of "students actives book, (Douglas Lord Matthews) (Introduction to Journalism) (according to this article to explain about news values and news elements) 


(Your feelings: What you will do differently next time)

Sample reflective practice writing guide

3 Outcome

Having read I now realize news values and elements values.

Most importantly, I have learned about news values and news elements, in news values I can feel like drawing information. And news elements are very important to make a news story.

I have significantly developed my skills in writing

However, I have not (sufficiently) improved my ability to writing

This means that I should be a lot of to read journals.

This skill will be essential to me as a learner (because we are as learners must be often read journals, so that to increase our literacy and critical thinking.)

Because I did not write well I will now need to polish my ability in writing.

As a next step, I need to study hard and more to read more.
