Analyzing News Writing Structure


Headline: End of an era in Russia as sanctions bite and Western companies take flight

Byline: Laura Smith-Spark, CNN

Lead :

What: McDonald's and other big western brands want to leave Russia.

Where: Russia

When: On January, on Tuesday,  In the 1990s.

Who: Western Companies

Why: From a moral point of view, stakeholders considered the Russian invasion of Ukraine bad, so they decided to stop business.

How: McDonald's closed 850 outlets in Russia in the aftermath of the attack on Ukraine.

Refrain: "Coke, Pepsi, McDonald's were the symbols of westernizing Russia, Russia opening to the world. And the fact that these companies are leaving... signals and highlight the extent to which Russia is closing and turning inwards," said Gulnaz Sharafutdinova, a professor of Russian politics at King's College London's Russia Institute.

                  My Learning Language logs

Take note of how certain words from the given text and the one you wrote are utilized in context. You can next investigate the use of these words in a dictionary and a corpus. Make a vocabulary items notebook using this template.

The topic of the meeting   Date & Time        Sources   Vocabularies (words) learned    Parts of speech

History of Journalism      March, 11th 2022   Journalism, Pdf     Censorship                            Noun

                                                                                                       Spectator                              Noun

                                                                                                  Yellow Journalism                     Noun

Synonym & meaning in Indonesia

Controlling =  Mengontrol

Viewer = Penonton.

Yellow Press = berita yang diriset secara tidak resmi.

Use in Context

One of the first daily newspapers, The Daily Courant, appeared in 1702. At first, hindered by government-imposed censorship, taxes, and other restrictions, newspapers in the 18th century came to enjoy the reportorial freedom and indispensable function that they have retained to the present day.

Magazines, which had started in the 17th century as learned journals, began to feature opinion-forming articles on current affairs, such as those in the Tatler (1709–11) and the Spectator (1711–12). Appearing in the 1830s were cheap mass-circulation magazines aimed at a wider and less well-educated public, as well as illustrated and women’s magazines.  

The culmination of this trend was the competition between two New York City papers, the World and the Journal, in the 1890s (see yellow journalism).

My Learning strategies 

Firstly, I seek materials related to the topic. Secondly, after I read the material, I’m a lot to find a new vocab I try to absorb the material so hard . Then I’m trying to understand this vocab and write, after that I learn vocabulary from the material. Finally, I do know much vocab in the journal pdf. I learned much vocab it’s the most important for us, for adding to vocabulary.


(Your thoughts: What you learned)

Sample frames of summary/synopsis sentences guide

·       According to Encyclopedia Britannica (2020), author of " Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc,” (Brian Duignan) (Journalism) (History of Journalism) 


(Your feelings: What you will do differently next time)

Sample reflective practice writing guide

3 Outcome 

Having read this journal I now realize new vocab from this journal.

Most importantly, I have learned that because in a journal a lot of the new vocab is to improve our English.

I have significantly developed my skills in wring and reading

However, I have not (sufficiently) improved my ability to speaking

This means that journals can be helping our skills to added new vocab.

This skill will be essential to me as a learner (because we are as learners must be often read journals, so that to increase our literacy and critical thinking.)

Because I did not make critical thinking  I will now need to develop my critical thinking

As a next step, I need so many journals for reference on my thesis.
